Sunday, September 9, 2012

Well here I sit the end of week 8, and a new adventure is beginning.  I got Big Red off Thursday and he was replaced with and Aircast. I did get xrayed but the disk they gave me, my computer can't read. I will try to get real copies my next visit.  They show my foot positioned under the shin bone nice and square and that my arch is raised about and extra 1/4 inch.  The arch will relax once I start to walk on it.  I also found out I got a bonus of a fourth screw.  This is to help the fusion hold up better. Dr Feinblatt actually had me stand on my foot so he could see how well it is aligned.  Let me tell ya I'm sure glad I hit the can before that visit.

The Aircast is quite the deal. It weighs about twice as much as the fiberglass cast, is more bulky and a little bit awkward.  However it is REMOVABLE, so I can take it off in the evenings and just relax.  It will also allow me to gradually begin putting weight on my ankle/foot. I have graduated from my scooter to a walker (a little more stable than crutches right now), then as I become more mobile I will start using the crutches.

 I am supposed to start with 25 pounds of pressure, measured by pushing down on a scale with my foot and feeling what 25 pound of pressure feels like.  Once I can manage that, I can increase it to 50 and so on until eventually I can support myself unassisted by crutches or cane. The goal at this time is to try and get up to 150 pounds by October 18th which is my next visit, 6 weeks out.


1 comment:

  1. WOO HOO!!!! The aircast looks way more cool than the fiberglass; it looks a little R2D2ish.
